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About is an Arbitrum Orbit stack L2 with AnyTrust data availability, focusing on Real World Assets.

Value secured
$6.09 M62.3%
Canonically Bridged
$29.42 K
Natively Minted
$4.69 M
Externally Bridged
$1.37 M

  • Tokens
  • Past day UOPS
  • 30D ops count
    105.75 K
  • Gas token

  • Type
  • Purposes
    Universal, RWA
  • Sequencer failureState validationData availabilityExit windowProposer failure


    About is an Arbitrum Orbit stack L2 with AnyTrust data availability, focusing on Real World Assets.



    The project will be classified as "Other" due to its specific risks that set it apart from the standard classifications.

    The project will move to Others because:

    There are less than 5 external actors that can submit challenges

    Consequence: projects without a sufficiently decentralized set of challengers rely on few entities to safely update the state. A small set of challengers can collude with the proposer to finalize an invalid state, which can cause loss of funds.

    There are less than 5 external actors that can attest data availability

    Consequence: projects without a sufficiently decentralized data availability committee rely on few entities to safely attest data availability on Ethereum. A small set of entities can collude with the proposer to finalize an unavailable state, which can cause loss of funds.

    Learn more about the recategorisation
    Value Secured

    2024 Mar 17 — 2025 Mar 14


    2024 Mar 16 — 2025 Mar 13

    Milestones & Incidents Mainnet Launch

    2024 May 15th launches its mainnet with some initial dapps deployed.

    Learn more

    Arcana Launch

    2024 May 15th

    Arcana launches their platform for rebasing, delta-neutral yields on

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    Risk summary
    Fraud proof system is fully deployed but is not yet permissionless as it requires Validators to be whitelisted.
    Risk analysis
    Fraud proof system is fully deployed but is not yet permissionless as it requires Validators to be whitelisted.
    Sequencer failureState validationData availabilityExit windowProposer failure

    Sequencer failure

    Self sequence

    In the event of a sequencer failure, users can force transactions to be included in the project’s chain by sending them to L1. There can be up to a 1d delay on this operation.

    State validation

    Fraud proofs (INT)

    Fraud proofs allow 6 WHITELISTED actors watching the chain to prove that the state is incorrect. There are fewer than 5 Challengers external to the Operator among these. Interactive proofs (INT) require multiple transactions over time to resolve. There is a 6d 8h challenge period.

    Data availability

    External (DAC)

    Proof construction relies fully on data that is NOT published onchain. There exists a Data Availability Committee (DAC) with a threshold of 1/2 that is tasked with protecting and supplying the data.

    Exit window


    There is no window for users to exit in case of an unwanted regular upgrade since contracts are instantly upgradable.

    Proposer failure

    Self propose

    Anyone can become a Proposer after 12d 17h of inactivity from the currently whitelisted Proposers.

    Data availability

    Set of parties responsible for signing and attesting to the availability of data.

    Risk analysis
    DA Layer Risks
    Economic security

    There are no onchain assets at risk of being slashed in case of a data withholding attack, and the committee members are not publicly known.

    Fraud detection

    There is no fraud detection mechanism in place. A data withholding attack can only be detected by nodes downloading the full data from the DA layer.

    DA Bridge Risks
    Committee security

    The committee does not meet basic security standards, either due to insufficient size, lack of member diversity, or poorly defined threshold parameters. The system lacks an effective DA bridge and it is reliant on the assumption of an honest sequencer, creating significant risks to data integrity and availability.

    No delay

    There is no delay in the upgradeability of the bridge. Users have no time to exit the system before the bridge implementation update is completed.

    Relayer failure
    No mechanism

    The relayer role is permissioned, and the DA bridge does not have a Security Council or a governance mechanism to propose new relayers. In case of relayer failure, the DA bridge will halt and be unable to recover without the intervention of a centralized entity.



    Anytrust architecture

    The DAC uses a data availability solution built on the AnyTrust protocol. It is composed of the following components:

    Committee members run servers that support APIs for storing and retrieving data blobs. The Sequencer API allows the rollup Sequencer to submit data blobs for storage, while the REST API enables anyone to fetch data by hash. When the Sequencer produces a data batch, it sends the batch along with an expiration time to Committee members, who store it and sign it. Once enough signatures are collected, the Sequencer aggregates them into a valid DACert and posts it to the L1 chain inbox. If the Sequencer fails to collect enough signatures, it falls back to posting the full data to the L1 chain.

    A DACert includes a hash of the data block, an expiration time, and proof that the required threshold of Committee members have signed off on the data. The proof consists of a hash of the Keyset used in signing, a bitmap indicating which members signed, and a BLS aggregated signature. L2 nodes reading from the sequencer inbox verify the certificate’s validity by checking the number of signers, the aggregated signature, and that the expiration time is at least two weeks ahead of the L2 timestamp. If the DACert is valid, it provides a proof that the corresponding data is available from honest committee members.

    DA Bridge Architecture

    Anytrust bridge architecture

    The DA commitments are posted to the destination chain through the sequencer inbox, using the inbox as a DA bridge. The DA commitment consists of Data Availability Certificate (DACert), including a hash of the data block, an expiration time, and a proof that the required threshold of Committee members have signed off on the data. The sequencer distributes the data and collects signatures from Committee members offchain. Only the DACert is posted by the sequencer to the destination chain inbox (the DA bridge), achieving destination chain transaction ordering finality in a single onchain transaction.

    • Funds can be lost if a malicious committee attests to an invalid data availability certificate.

    • Funds can be lost if the bridge contract or its dependencies receive a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades.

    1. Inside AnyTrust - Arbitrum Docs
    State validation
    A diagram of the state validation
    A diagram of the state validation

    Updates to the system state can be proposed and challenged by a set of whitelisted validators. If a state root passes the challenge period, it is optimistically considered correct and made actionable for withdrawals.

    State root proposals

    Whitelisted validators propose state roots as children of a previous state root. A state root can have multiple conflicting children. This structure forms a graph, and therefore, in the contracts, state roots are referred to as nodes. Each proposal requires a stake, currently set to 0.1 ETH, that can be slashed if the proposal is proven incorrect via a fraud proof. Stakes can be moved from one node to one of its children, either by calling stakeOnExistingNode or stakeOnNewNode. New nodes cannot be created faster than the minimum assertion period by the same validator, currently set to 12s. The oldest unconfirmed node can be confirmed if the challenge period has passed and there are no siblings, and rejected if the parent is not a confirmed node or if the challenge period has passed and no one is staked on it.

    • Funds can be stolen if none of the whitelisted verifiers checks the published state. Fraud proofs assume at least one honest and able validator (CRITICAL).

    1. How is fraud proven - Arbitrum documentation FAQ

    A challenge can be started between two siblings, i.e. two different state roots that share the same parent, by calling the startChallenge function. Validators cannot be in more than one challenge at the same time, meaning that the protocol operates with partial concurrency. Since each challenge lasts 6d 8h, this implies that the protocol can be subject to delay attacks, where a malicious actor can delay withdrawals as long as they are willing to pay the cost of losing their stakes. If the protocol is delayed attacked, the new stake requirement increases exponentially for each challenge period of delay. Challenges are played via a bisection game, where asserter and challenger play together to find the first instruction of disagreement. Such instruction is then executed onchain in the WASM OneStepProver contract to determine the winner, who then gets half of the stake of the loser. As said before, a state root is rejected only when no one left is staked on it. The protocol does not enforces valid bisections, meaning that actors can propose correct initial claim and then provide incorrect midpoints.

    1. Fraud Proof Wars: Arbitrum Classic
    Fast confirmations

    Whitelisted validators can fast-confirm state-roots after the initial 12s minimum assertion period has passed on a state root and skip the 6d 8h challenge period. This finalizes the fast-confirmed state root an permits withdrawals based on it.

    • Funds can be stolen if validators with the 'fast-confirmer' permission finalize a malicious state root before the challenge period has passed (CRITICAL).

    1. Fast withdrawals for AnyTrust chains - Arbitrum documentation

    The system has a centralized sequencer

    While forcing transaction is open to anyone the system employs a privileged sequencer that has priority for submitting transaction batches and ordering transactions.

    • MEV can be extracted if the operator exploits their centralized position and frontruns user transactions.

    1. Sequencer - Arbitrum documentation

    Users can force any transaction

    Because the state of the system is based on transactions submitted on the underlying host chain and anyone can submit their transactions there it allows the users to circumvent censorship by interacting with the smart contract on the host chain directly. After a delay of 1d in which a Sequencer has failed to include a transaction that was directly posted to the smart contract, it can be forcefully included by anyone on the host chain, which finalizes its ordering.

    1. SequencerInbox.sol - source code, forceInclusion function
    2. Sequencer Isn't Doing Its Job - Arbitrum documentation

    Delayed forced transactions

    To force transactions from the host chain, users must first enqueue “delayed” messages in the “delayed” inbox of the Bridge contract. Only authorized Inboxes are allowed to enqueue delayed messages, and the so-called Inbox contract is the one used as the entry point by calling the sendMessage or sendMessageFromOrigin functions. If the centralized sequencer doesn’t process the request within some time bound, users can call the forceInclusion function on the SequencerInbox contract to include the message in the canonical chain. The time bound is hardcoded to be 1d.


    Regular messaging

    The user initiates L2->L1 messages by submitting a regular transaction on this chain. When the block containing that transaction is settled, the message becomes available for processing on L1. The process of block finalization usually takes several days to complete.

    1. Transaction lifecycle - Arbitrum documentation
    2. L2 to L1 Messages - Arbitrum documentation
    3. Mainnet for everyone - Arbitrum Blog

    Autonomous exit

    Users can (eventually) exit the system by pushing the transaction on L1 and providing the corresponding state root. The only way to prevent such withdrawal is via an upgrade.

    Other considerations

    EVM compatible smart contracts are supported

    Arbitrum One uses Nitro technology that allows running fraud proofs by executing EVM code on top of WASM.

    • Funds can be lost if there are mistakes in the highly complex Nitro and WASM one-step prover implementation.

    1. Inside Arbitrum Nitro



    Can submit transaction batches or commitments to the SequencerInbox contract on the host chain.

    Can propose new state roots (called nodes) and challenge state roots on the host chain.

    AnyTrust FastConfirmer 0x3648…3A5F

    Can finalize a state root before the challenge period has passed. This allows withdrawing from the bridge based on the state root.

    Used in:


    GelatoMultisig 0xBeA2…9Bbb
    • A Multisig with 4/10 threshold.
    • Can act on behalf of UpgradeExecutor.
    • Is allowed to interact with RollupProxy - Pause and unpause and set important roles and parameters in the system contracts: Can delegate Sequencer management to a BatchPosterManager address, manage data availability, DACs and the fastConfirmer role, set the Sequencer-only window, introduce an allowList to the bridge and whitelist Inboxes/Outboxes - acting via UpgradeExecutor.
    • Can upgrade the implementation of ChallengeManager, Bridge, GatewayRouter, RollupEventInbox, SequencerInbox, Outbox, UpgradeExecutor, Inbox, ERC20Gateway - acting via ProxyAdmin, UpgradeExecutor.
    • Can upgrade the implementation of RollupProxy - acting via UpgradeExecutor.

    Used in:

    RealStrategiesMultisig 0xD47E…23d4
    • A Multisig with 4/5 threshold.
    • Is allowed to interact with RealVault - can manage asset strategies and fees for the user’s funds backing reETH.
    • Can upgrade the implementation of RealVault.
    RealFastConfirmerMultisig 0x118A…3A50

    Participants (1):


    Can upgrade the implementation of Bridger.

    Smart contracts
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture


    Contract that allows challenging state roots. Can be called through the RollupProxy by Validators or the UpgradeExecutor.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    Escrow contract for the project’s gas token (can be different from ETH). Keeps a list of allowed Inboxes and Outboxes for canonical bridge messaging. This contract stores the following tokens: .

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    A sequencer (registered in this contract) can submit transaction batches or commitments here.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    Central contract for the project’s configuration like its execution logic hash (wasmModuleRoot) and addresses of the other system contracts. Entry point for Proposers creating new Rollup Nodes (state commitments) and Challengers submitting fraud proofs (In the Orbit stack, these two roles are both held by the Validators).

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    • Central contract defining the access control permissions for upgrading the system contract implementations.
    • Can act on behalf of ProxyAdmin.
    • Can be used to interact with RollupProxy - Pause and unpause and set important roles and parameters in the system contracts: Can delegate Sequencer management to a BatchPosterManager address, manage data availability, DACs and the fastConfirmer role, set the Sequencer-only window, introduce an allowList to the bridge and whitelist Inboxes/Outboxes.
    • Can be used to upgrade implementation of RollupProxy.
    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    Facilitates L2 to L1 contract calls: Messages initiated from L2 (for example withdrawal messages) eventually resolve in execution on L1.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    Facilitates sending L1 to L2 messages like depositing ETH, but does not escrow funds.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    Escrows deposited ERC-20 assets for the canonical Bridge. Upon depositing, a generic token representation will be minted at the destination. Withdrawals are initiated by the Outbox contract. This contract can store any token.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    This routing contract maps tokens to the correct escrow (gateway) to be then bridged with canonical messaging.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    OneStepProverHostIo 0x0003…68C4

    One of the modular contracts used for the last step of a fraud proof, which is simulated inside a WASM virtual machine.

    Proxy used in:

    OneStepProverMemory 0x1cD7…D7fB

    One of the modular contracts used for the last step of a fraud proof, which is simulated inside a WASM virtual machine.

    Proxy used in:

    ValidatorUtils 0x2b0E…66aF

    This contract implements view only utilities for validators.

    Proxy used in:

    OneStepProver0 0x2dCC…22b5

    One of the modular contracts used for the last step of a fraud proof, which is simulated inside a WASM virtual machine.

    Proxy used in:

    SwapManager 0x4AC3…c335

    Performs swaps via Curve or UniswapV3 to serve instant withdrawals from the reETH RealVault.

    Helper contract sending configuration data over the bridge during the systems initialization.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    StrategyManager 0x5Cba…DdD8

    A gateway contract that manages strategies for assets that are deposited to the AssetsVault. From a user PoV this happens when bridging to the L2.

    LidoStEthStrategy 0x679D…31f6

    This contract stores the following tokens: stETH.

    OneStepProofEntry 0x8Faa…4DaC

    One of the modular contracts used for the last step of a fraud proof, which is simulated inside a WASM virtual machine.

    Proxy used in:

    ProxyAdmin 0xB032…80f1

    Can be used to upgrade implementation of ChallengeManager, Bridge, GatewayRouter, RollupEventInbox, SequencerInbox, Outbox, UpgradeExecutor, Inbox, ERC20Gateway.

    A Routing contract to the standard orbit stack bridge of the L2.

    Can be upgraded by:
    OneStepProverMath 0xCf4b…A6eD

    One of the modular contracts used for the last step of a fraud proof, which is simulated inside a WASM virtual machine.

    Proxy used in:

    AssetsVault 0xf985…2294

    This escrow contract receives ETH that users bridge to L2. This ETH is then converted to yielding assets using the StrategyManager.

    RealVault 0xFC1d…A5e1

    This contract is responsible for managing deposit, withdrawal, and settlement processes for the assets backing reETH using the ERC4626 (tokenized vault) standard.

    Value Secured is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    Default Gateway for non-native tokens. On depositing, a generic ‘wrapped’ version of the escrowed token is minted on the L2.

    Implementation used in:

    Escrow for stETH 0x679D…31f6

    This contract escrows the stETH that was deposited to mint reETH.

    Contract managing Inboxes and Outboxes. It escrows sent to L2.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Implementation used in:

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades (CRITICAL).